High school graduation is the single-most significant predictor for improving socio-economic status and success for young people. For youth who are homeless as a teen and lacking a high school diploma or GED equivalent, they are 3.5 times more likely to be homeless as an adult. Isolation, lack of transportation and services, poor health habits, lack of support, and instability all contribute to a youth’s ability to succeed in school.
The New Horizons program helps overcome these challenges and barriers for youth experiencing homelessness within Frederick County Public Schools, advocating and effectively connecting them to community services which help to break the cycle of their situation and position them for future success. With a dedicated staff of case managers, Needs Assessments are conducted for each student and followed up with the co-creation of a personalized service plan that connects them to community services. While the ultimate goal is to help increase the likelihood of an on-time graduation for the student through educational support, oftentimes, we have address other needs first that will provide a better environment for academic success.
Since the program’s inception in 2017, New Horizons has helped to graduate over 100 students.
New Horizons’ spectrum of program services include:
- Housing options – connecting youth to SHIP’s Thrive Housing Network for safe, stable and secure housing.
- Personal Health – providing youth with access to medical, vision, dental, and mental health supports.
- Social/Emotional – connecting youth to enrichment programming across a spectrum of interests and activities.
- Education supports – providing strengths-based, positive habit building and access to tutoring.
- Economic – providing access to career and work exploration and connecting to employment skill-building resources.
- Legal – working to ensure the students rights are protected and honored.
Thank you to the following donors, your generous contributions help us accomplish our mission:
City of Frederick
Frederick County Office of Children and Families